
SA Mayor, County Judge Unveil Economic Transition Team


Original Source: San Antonio Business Journal: https://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2020/04/21/sa-mayor-county-judge-unveil-economic-transition.html

San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff have formed a special Covid-19 Economic Transition Team, tasked with guiding a safe reintroduction of business and activities suspended in the region as a result of the global pandemic.

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas Inc. President Kevin Voelkel and Tejas Premier Building Contractors President Julissa Carielo will co-chair the economic transition team. City Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran and County Commissioner Sergio Rodriguez will be liaisons to the team, which will consider sector-based guidelines for physical distancing and strategies to support preventive health and safety for workers and other vulnerable populations.

Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff is working with Mayor Ron Nirenberg to help guide area businesses out of the economic crisis created by Covid-19.

Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff is working with Mayor Ron Nirenberg to help guide area businesses out of the economic crisis created by Covid-19. Carlos Javier Sanchez | SABJ

“It is imperative that we begin to chart a course for life after this pandemic’s surge, understanding that how and when our full economy resumes will have critical implications on our general public’s health and our region’s resiliency,” Nirenberg and Wolff wrote in a joint memo to the City Council and Commissioners Court.

“The stay home, work safe social distancing orders have been effective and helped save lives,” they said. “While we will remain vigilant, we also acknowledge that such measures will not be permanent.”

Voelkel said he will work with leaders to “strike the correct balance between ensuring public health and phasing in business activity.”

He added, “The question is not how quickly we can reopen business and return to a pre-pandemic way of life, but rather evaluating how we implement a new way of doing business.”

The Covid-19 Economic Transition Team will present its plan to the City Council and Commissioners Court in early May.

Covid-19 Economic Transition Team Members

Original Source: San Antonio Business Journal: https://www.bizjournals.com/sanantonio/news/2020/04/21/sa-mayor-county-judge-unveil-economic-transition.html